
Good day, my name is Alnis Bajars.  I have been in IT since 1984, always doing something around data.

In the recent few years, I have specialised in Business Intelligence, mostly around the Microsoft BI stack.  SSIS, SSAS Tabular and Multidimensional, SSRS, Master Data Services and Power BI.  Not to mention the SQL Server database engine. As an aside, I am building up analytics skills in R/Python.

Data warehouse wise, we use Data Vault, Persistent Staging and of course Kimball dimensional for data marts.

Functionally, I focus around implementation in team lead roles.  Based on all the feedback I get, I can say I am one of the more effective IT professionals in bridging the communication between technical teams and stakeholders.  I firmly believe in Einstein when he says (paraphrased) “keep things as simple as possible, but no simpler”.

I lover learning about data.  My motto is to be well read on best practice, and implement with both rigour and common sense.  I have spoken on multiple occasions at the Sydney BI User Group and am planning to talk more widely in 2018.

You’ll see me on Twitter a fair bit at @alnisb


2 thought on “About”
  1. Hello Alnis. Thinking about you, looked you up, and found you! Remember me, your old house mate, from School Road, The Gap – Simon ‘le Pom’.
    Alnis, you seem to have done very well for yourself. I was in IT: BHP, Qantas and then telecoms, but 1) returned to England (my Dad was very unwell), 2) got married, and 3) have been teaching now for almost twenty years, currently Maths and Computer Science to teenagers.
    All the best to you.

    1. Hello Simon
      Great to hear from you. Sorry about the delay, as you can see I am pretty 1/2 hearted about my personal website, don’t check correspondence too much.
      I’m chugging along alright. Living in Sydney. Still in IT, have moved to the data analytics space and working as a Data Engineer.
      I’m the Sydney co-host of the Unhurried Conversations meetup, a concept I really like. And it still works very well online.
      All the best, I’ll keep an eye out for you in the online world.

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